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Nov/Dec 2022 Concerts

Throughout weekends in November and December of 2022, members of AYLUS Puget Sound hosted four 1-hour long concerts at Aegis Marymoor, Aegis Bellevue-Overlake, and Sagebrook Bellevue Senior Living. Participants played and sung various solo and ensemble pieces, including works by Chopin, Saint-Saëns, Beethoven, and more!

A whopping 18 performers played in our concerts! This includes the following: Chloe K, Logan K, Christina L, Victor Z, Jeffrey Z, Aiden D, Arush A, Chloe C, Chloe Y, Michelle C, Abby C, Julia Z, Timothy, Hilary Y, Courtney T, Zach H, Nicholas C, and Ava X.

MC: Nicholas C

Performer list: Nicholas C, Ava X, Chloe K, Logan K, Christina L, Victor Z, Jeffrey Z, Aiden D, Arush A, Chloe C, Chloe Y, Michelle C, Abby C, Julia Z, Timothy, Hilary Y, Courtney T, Zach H

Photos: Nov/Dec photos 
Videos: Nov 19 videos, Nov 20 videos, and Dec 3 videos

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