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June 2024 Concerts

Over the course of a weekend in June, members of AYLUS Puget Sound hosted 2 1-hour long concerts for the residents of Aegis Living Kirkland Waterfront and Sunrise of Redmond. A total of 27 performers came and performed at these two concerts. 

MC: Nicholas C, Christina L


Performer list: Anna L, Abby C, Jingqi L, Christina L, Megan L., Bryan L, Nicholas C, Sunny T, Sky L, Hayden J, Ava L. Karis C, Emma Y, Ashlyn H, Maya T, Emma Y, Yutong L, Caileen W, Xinran Y, William M, Vivian W, Albert L, Eric S, Hannah M, Jeffrey Z, Urison X, and Matthew T.

Photos: June 15 photos, June 16 photos
Videos: June 15 videos, June 16 videos

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