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December 2023 Concerts

On December 9th and 17th, members of AYLUS Puget Sound hosted two 1-hour long concerts for the residents of Aegis Living Kirkland Waterfront and Aegis Living Marymoor. A total of 15 performers played and sang various solo and ensemble pieces, including works by Mariah Carey, Chopin, Schubert, and more!

Performers: Jeffrey Z, Logan K, Nicholas C, Christina L, Anna L, Abby C, Katelyn R, Brooklyn R, Megan L, Jingqi L, Chloe K, Christine Z, Aiden D, Victor Z performed in the concert. Additionally, Cristian L volunteered as photographer for one of our concerts.

MC: Logan K

Performer list: Jeffrey Z, Logan K, Nicholas C, Christina L, Anna L, Abby C, Katelyn R, Brooklyn R, Megan L, Jingqi L, Chloe K, Christine Z, Aiden D, Victor Z

Photos: Dec 9 photos and Dec 17 photos
Videos: Dec 9 videos and Dec 17 videos

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