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August 2023 Concerts

On August 19th and 20th, members of AYLUS Puget Sound hosted two 1-hour long concerts for the residents of Aegis Living Bellevue and Aegis Living Bellevue Overlake. A total of 15 performers played and sang various solo and ensemble pieces, including works by Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, and more!

Performers Jeffrey Z, Christina L, Anna L, Arush A, Christian L, Chloe K, Nicholas C, Abby C, Jingqi L, Ava X, Ethan H, Victor Z, Katelyn R, Natalie G, and Kevin B all performed in the concert.

MC: Jeffrey Z

Performer list: Jeffrey Z, Christina L, Anna L, Arush A, Christian L, Chloe K, Nicholas C, Abby C, Jingqi L, Ava X, Ethan H, Victor Z, Katelyn R, Natalie G, Kevin B

Photos: Aug 19 photos and Aug 20 photos
Videos: Aug 19 videos and Aug 20 videos

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