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August 2022 Concerts

Over the course of two weekends in August, members of AYLUS Puget Sound hosted three 1-hour long concerts at three separate senior living homes in the area: Emerald Heights, Aegis Living Bellevue-Overlake, and Aegis Living Marymoor. AYLUS members. Participants played various solo and ensemble pieces, including works by Chopin, Saint-Saëns, Beethoven, and more!

Julia Z, Jeffrey Z, Cecilia S, Christina L, Nicholas C, Samuel K, Eidee T, Enrica T, Matthew T, and Megan L all performed in the concerts.

MC: Cecilia S

Performer list: Julia Z, Jeffrey Z, Cecilia S, Christina L, Nicholas C, Samuel K, Eidee T, Enrica T, Matthew T, Megan L

Photos: Aug photos
Videos: --

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